Conceived as part shed and part hedge, the ‘Shedge’ combines a number of functions into a single outbuilding tucked away at the end of a garden in the Highgate conservation area, Haringey.
The outbuilding comprised three main functions; a sauna, an outdoor shower area and a bicycle maintenance workshop. The building also screened an acoustic enclosure housing air conditioning plant
With the roof partially overshadowed by mature trees and the primary elevation facing north, shade tolerant species were chosen to provide dense foliage all year round. A pre-planted tile system was laid on the roof, and a cassette system with integrated irrigation pipes was installed on the elevations facing the main house. A smart irrigation controller allows the frequency of watering to vary depending on weather conditions, minimising wastage.
The internal courtyard was clad in a light synthetic timber to allow for easy cleaning, and windows, doors and wall returns were clad in Corten to complement the rich greens of the planting.
Another Hatterwan project with a green wall installation can be seen here, and another project with a green roof can be seen here.